Blackjack Information - How to Play Blackjack
Poker might be the first one to hit Internet mainstream, but there are other more promising online gambling games on the horizon. Among these games Online Blackjack carries the most promise as it already enjoys popularity in real casinos. There's strong support backing up Blackjack and bolstering its attempt to match or even surpass online poker's current success. Even big-time poker rooms such as Pokerstars are said to be considering plans of expanding to accomodate the growing demand for online 21.
Blackjack or "21 " is amongst the most Popular of modern Casino Games. It is a game between You and the Dealer. During a game of Blackjack, cards are dealt from a deck of cards called a Shoe. Traditionally a shoe may contain anything from one standard 52-card deck to 6 such decks. Our version of Blackjack is played exclusively with a single 52-card deck, as this offers you the best possible chances of winning. You will be dealt Two cards. The Dealer will be dealt One card. In some casinos the Dealer is dealt Two cards, but only One is turned so that its value can be revealed. The card that remains face down is called the 'hole card. The object of Blackjack is to obtain a hand with the highest possible value, without exceeding 21. All face cards (Kings, Queens and Jacks) have a value of Ten, and the Aces can have a value of One (1) or Eleven (11).
If your initial two cards do not total 21, then you may request additional cards (called a 'Hit').
If your hand does not go bust (exceeds 21) and still does not equal 21, you may continue to request additional cards until your hand goes bust, reaches 21 or you decide to 'Stand' (Stay.) If you are dealt a Blackjack - an Ace and a card of value Ten - then the dealer will automatically lose, unless his single card is an Ace or a card of value Ten. If you are dealt a Blackjack, then he will not be allowed to draw further cards as he already has the best possible hand. If you go bust the game is over and the dealer wins.
Should you reach 21 or choose to Stand (Stay), the Dealer will draw another card. If the Dealer's hand is less than 17 in value, the Dealer must continue to draw cards until his hands value equals 17 or more. In the event of the Dealer not going bust, the value of the Dealer and your hands are then compared. If your hand is stronger the Casino will pay you twice the amount originally wagered. If you win on a Blackjack you will be paid out 2.5 times your original bet.
Blackjack FeaturesThe Increase button and Decrease button are used to adjust the size of your bet. The bet size can only be changed between games. The Deal button starts a new game of Blackjack. The Hit button deals you another card. The Stand button (sometimes called the 'Stay' button) ends your hand and moves the game onto the next phase, be it the completion of the Dealer's hand or of your second hand. (in the case of a split.) The Split button is only available if the first two cards dealt in your hand have the same denomination (i.e. are both Aces or Jacks or fours.) The Split button causes this single hand to be split into two separate hands, that are then played out as normal Blackjack hands. Please note that if you split a pair of Aces and then receive a card of value 10, this is not considered to be a Blackjack (but still has a value of 21.)
The Double button Doubles your wager on your current hand. Once you choose to Double you will only receive one more card. You will only be allowed to Double if the value of your hand prior to Doubling is 9, 10 or 11. This is essentially a wager on your next card being sufficient to beat the Dealer's hand. The Insurance button is only available when the Dealer's first card is an Ace. Insurance is a bet against the Dealer getting Blackjack. The Insurance bet costs half your original bet, and will pay out 2 to 1 if the Dealer gets Blackjack.
Playing the GamePlaying Blackjack at the Casino is easy. Upon starting the Blackjack game for the first time,
you will be presented with the Blackjack Table. The default minimum bet will already be placed on the table. You can Increase or Decrease the amount you wish to wager with the Increase and Decrease buttons. The size of the column of Casino chips will change as you do this. Once you have decided on the size of your bet, you can start the game. Click on the 'Deal' button. The Dealer will deal you Two cards and deal himself One card. As soon as the last card is dealt you will be able to decide whether to Hit (take another card) or Stand (Stay).
If your first two cards dealt to you are an Ace and a card of value Ten, then you have Blackjack - unless the Dealer has an Ace or Ten you automatically win the game, and are paid out 2.5 times your original bet. If you Draw another card (hit) and the value of your hand now exceeds 21, then you have gone 'bust' and have lost this hand. You may play again by clicking on the 'Deal' button. If you are satisfied with your hand press the 'Stand' (Stay) button to end the game. The Dealer will now draw cards until his hand exceeds or equals 17 in value. If the Dealer's hand exceeds 21 you win because the Dealer has gone 'bust.' If the Dealer's hand exceeds 17 in value but is less than 21, the value of the two hands are compared, and the stronger hand wins. If your hand is stronger than the Dealers, you receive Double your wager back. If not, you lose your wager and can play again.
Blackjack RulesLike any other game, Blackjack has certain Rules.
This version of Blackjack is played with a Single Deck of Cards, which is shuffled after the completion of every hand / game. You may draw up to Nine additional cards (i.e. a total of 11 cards) as long as the value of your hand does not exceed 21. If you go over 21 this is called a ‘bust’ and you automatically lose the hand. If you have not yet exceeded 21 after receiving Eleven cards, you will automatically Stay and the Dealer will play his hand. The Dealer must Stand on all 17 and Draw on 16. If the Dealer gets Blackjack after you have Split or Doubled your entire wager, (both original and Double or Split amounts) are lost. Face cards (the Jack, Queen and King) all have a value of 10 in Blackjack. An ‘Ace’ card may have a value of either 1 or 11.
Any combination of cards that contains an Ace card and whose value does not exceed 21, is referred to as a ‘soft hand’. An ‘Ace’ will adopt the value most beneficial for your hand. For example: an Ace and Eight will add up to 19, but if you choose to take another card, that would cause the hand's value to exceed 21 the Ace will revert to a value of 1. If you are dealt an ‘Ace’ and a card with the value of Ten (a natural ten or face card) as your first two cards, this is called Blackjack. You will automatically Stay when you receive a Blackjack. If you beat the Dealer with a Blackjack you are paid out at 3 to 2.
If you receive Two cards of the same value (such as two ‘Ace’s or two Fives or two Tens) you may ‘Split’ your hand. This means that your pair is divided into two separate hands. You wager a second amount equal to that of your original wager on the second hand and are able to play both hands as normal. Cards of the same value but not of the same denomination (or ranking) can not be Split in this version of Blackjack. So, while a King and Ten may have the same numerical value, a hand consisting of these two cards can not be Split because the cards do not have the same denomination. If you have Split a pair of Aces and then draw a card with a value of Ten, then this is not counted as Blackjack. Such a hand would have a value of 21.
It will beat any Dealer's hand with a value of less than 21 and draw against all other Dealer hands except a Blackjack. This rule also applies to Splitting pairs of cards with a value of Ten. Should you Split a pair of Tens (or face cards), and then receive an Ace, this hand is not counted as Blackjack.
If the value of your initial two cards is 9, 10 or 11 then you are allowed to ‘Double. This is a wager that your next card will be sufficient to beat the Dealer’s as-of-yet-uncompleted hand. The wager costs as much as your original bet, but should you win you will be paid Double of your total wager (or four times your original wager). Insurance only covers your original bet. It does not cover any Double Down bet. When the Dealer is dealt an 'Ace' you are given the option to place an Insurance bet. The Insurance bet costs half your original bet and will pay out 2 to 1 if the Dealer gets Blackjack. You lose your original bet. If the Dealer does not get Blackjack, you lose your Insurance bet and the game proceeds as normal. After all hands have been played, your hands are compared to the Dealers hand. If the value of both hands are the same it is called a Push.
On the event of a Push, you receive your bet back and no one wins. Blackjack (which value is 21) beats a hand that's value is also 21. If both the Dealer and you have Blackjack this is considered a Push. Please Note - This version of Blackjack is played with a single deck of cards, which is shuffled after the completion of every hand/game.
Play Online Blackjack at the Following Casinos: Coolcat | Winner Casino | Springbok Casino
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